Sunday 27 August 2017

Dad & Son's Thankfulness Episode

Recently, Mummy bought a Tobot toy for J. While watching his show, he accidentally broke it. Hence, he was very sad. He asked me to buy the same toy for him. And he added, "Papa, can you buy two?"

I replied, "No. We need to learn to be thankful and be contented." He cried and threw a tantrum. Well, I did not give in. I didn't even think of buying the same toy which he broke.

On the way to bus stop, God spoke to me, "It is the goodness of God that leads him to repentance. Buy it for him, though he was the one who break it. And teach him to value the toy."

So I bought it for him and taught him to take ownership of his toy. That was on Friday. On that evening, he said, "Papa, can you buy one more for me? I don't have the helicopter Tobot." I replied, "J, didn't I just buy one for you when you broke one? We need to be contented and be thankful."

J: But I don't have the helicopter Tobot.
Papa: Well, we may buy next time. Not so soon.
J: How about tomorrow?
Papa: That's too soon.
J: Okay. How about Sunday?
Papa: That's still too soon.
J: How about next Saturday?
Papa: Let's wait a little longer and we'll see.

Today, I decided to buy Veggie Tale for him to watch. I gave him two choices (I kind of indirectly directed his choice). So he ended up choosing the episode on "Thankfulness". Yeah! That's my motive haha.

Before we went home to watch Veggie Tale, he requested to go to the toy shop. He explained that he just wanted to see toys. We went there and he held the helicopter Tobot closely under his arm.

I said, "Why are you holding onto the Tobot?"

J: I just want to hold it.
Papa: But we are not going to buy it.
J: Ya. I just want to hold it.

He was really hoping to buy it. He thought that by holding it long enough, I would buy it for him. Unfortunately, his Daddy was firm not to do so because his son needed to learn to be thankful.

After he finished watching Veggie Tale on "Thankfulness", I explained the story in the context of toys and he understood. Yay God!

Then I gave him one piece of Vit C gummy. He looked at it and asked, "Why is it only one?"

I answered, "Remember about thankfulness?" He nodded and said, "Yes. Need to be thankful and not greedy. Later the stomach BURSTS."


I had to walk away before I suffered from internal injury. 🤣🤣🤣

#thankfulness #fathering101 #dadandsonepisode

P.S: He saw the Daddy character in Veggie Tale and asked me, "Why that Daddy doesn't have goatee like you?" 😂😂😂

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