Tuesday 12 September 2017

Jeshua Saw Jesus In His Dream

Jesus With Purple Light

Last night, J suddenly asked for the first time. "Papa, why do we read the Bible everyday?"

After explaining to him, he went to bed.

This morning, while walking him to school, he said, "Papa, I saw Jesus in my dream last night."

Papa: What happened in the dream?
J: Jesus walking very softly.
Papa: And?
J: He walked into Mama's room.
Papa: And?
J: I saw a purple light coming from Jesus. (Probably royalty - kingship)
Papa: What colour is Jesus wearing?
J: Blue (J's favourite colour)
Papa: Did He say anything?
J: Nothing. He just "sayang" me.

And he proceeded to show me how Jesus did it.

It's beautiful when you know Jesus is watching over your little one and making Himself known to him. It touched my heart so much.

"Let the little children come to Me. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

Your little ones can know Him more than you think or imagine. #thanksJesus

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