Friday 1 September 2017

God's Heart For The Divorced & The Re-Married

God's Heart For The Divorced & The Re-Married

While marriage is a life-long covenant which, in God's eyes, cannot be broken except for the death of one spouse or the leaving of the unbelieving partner (See Marriage series Part 1-7), we definitely wonder about those who are divorced or re-married.

For those who are divorced, they can either remain unmarried or be reconciled to their spouse (1 Cor 7:10-11). It's simple and clear in the Word.

Some teach that re-marrying after a divorce is the same as committing adultery, based on Jesus' words in Matthew 19:9. Personally, I share the same viewpoint because it's the words of Jesus, and repeated by Paul in 1 Cor 7:10-11).

However, not everyone knows this, especially for those who have remarried. If we did not know, it would be considered ignorant (though that doesn't mean it's correct). But now that we know, it's a choice to respond to Him faithfully or wilfully choose to follow our own desires to re-marry.

Having said this, Jesus is Our beautiful Redeemer. He came to restore us and redeem us from sin. His blood washed away all our sins and mistakes and gave us a brand new life (2 Cor 5:17). There is nothing that He could not forgive on the Cross - that includes re-marrying after a divorce. My son loves Paw Patrol in this season of his life. Paw Patrol likes to say "No job is too big. No pup is too small." I would say that "No sin is too big. No sin is too small." Jesus, by His grace, paid for all sins with the same price - His sacrifice.

Hence, for those who have re-married after a divorce, there is absolutely no condemnation in Christ (Rom 8:1). You did not know better. This is a brand new marriage in His eyes, redeemed by His precious blood. And it's what you do with this marriage that counts. Let it be one that glorifies Him. Let it be a powerful testimony that reveals His grace and goodness!

Some teach strongly that because re-marrying is considered adultery, you need to divorce your present spouse and return to your former spouse. But what if the former spouse is also remarried and has set up a family with kids? Is the former spouse supposed to divorce and return back to the first marriage? I think this is not only ridiculous, but it is also a disastrous teaching. How many marriages do we want to destroy?

Besides, under the Law, you are not supposed to return to your first spouse if you have remarried (Deut 24:1-4; Jeremiah 3:1).

The New Covenant does not mention anything about breaking up from the second marriage to return to the first marriage either.

Since the New Covenant is silent on this, I believe that the goodness and the grace of God covers those who have re-married after a divorce (those without biblical ground for divorce). Redemption should be the focus.

The divorced and the remarried should be given an equal opportunity to serve in the kingdom of God, because God sees everyone on the same page because of the finished works of Christ. Can they be leaders? Yes of course! Can they be pastors? Yes of course!

If a sinner can be forgiven, why can't anyone else be forgiven? I think we have become so religious that we move outside of God's heart.

God is Love and His heart is for the divorced and the re-married just as His heart is for anyone else.

Our job is not to criticise, accuse or judge. That's bad theology. Our job is to love and restore.

For marriage Covenant series Part 1-7, check out:

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