Wednesday 22 May 2019

Holy Spirit Fathering Part 1

J has great memory capability. He literally ‘thrashed’ my wife playing the memory cards. Proud with his ability, he came and challenged me to play the memory cards with him.

He said, “Papa, I have very good memory. Let’s see who will win. But you cannot pray in tongues.” He meant that I should not rely on the Holy Spirit to help me remember.

I replied, “Why can’t I depend on the Holy Spirit?”

J: No. You cannot. You have to depend on your brain (he meant memory).

Papa: I prefer not to depend on myself. I want to depend on the Holy Spirit. We should never depend on our own ability.

J: Alright.

Throughout the game, I intentionally spoke in tongues so that he learnt about dependence upon the Spirit.

The outcome? I ‘thrashed’ him and won the game. Of course, with my memory, it would not be possible. But with the Spirit, nothing is impossible.

J was humbled by the power of the Holy Spirit, as he learnt that God is greater than his ability. #fathering101

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