Wednesday 22 May 2019

Holy Spirit Fathering Part 2

I was disciplining J in the car last night. I asked him to pray and reflect, and asked Jesus what happened.

He said, "Jesus said that I was disrespectful to Papa."

I said, "Now you pray and ask Him to give you a picture."

He prayed and said, "Papa, is it any picture?"

Papa: Yes.

J: I saw a pair of spectacles.

Papa: Can you ask Jesus what it meant?

J: Jesus said that I need to be thankful. People in other countries don't even have what I have.

Papa: That's right. Jesus showed you spectacles because you are seeing with limitation. You can't see how blessed you already are compared to other people. But you are a thankful boy, so you can be thankful. If you are thankful, you will see well.

We need to train the next generation (especially our own children) to hear God so that they can respond to Him when we are not there for them. We can't be there for them forever. But God the Father will never leave nor forsake them. #fathering101

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