Tuesday 23 July 2019

Differentiating The Voices

J said, “Papa, do you know that I have been praying for the whole world to be saved?”

Papa: (I didn’t know) That’s a powerful prayer!

After a while, he continued.

J: Papa... I heard satan. I’m not going to listen to him.

Papa: What did he say?

J: He said “Don’t believe in God.” That’s satan.

Papa: You are absolutely right. Don’t listen to him.

J: (Paused) I heard Jesus now.

Papa: What did he say?

J: Jesus said “I love you.”

Papa: That’s right.

Don’t underestimate what you impart to your child and don’t think that they are too young to understand the voice of God and how to differentiate between the thoughts in their head. The same Holy Spirit in us is the same Holy Spirit in them, who teaches them concerning all things.

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