Sunday 17 November 2019

Homeschooling Journey Part 6

Homeschooling Journey Part 6

It is getting closer to the reality of homeschooling where the journey ahead is unknown yet exciting.

The CE Officer will be coming this week to do a home assessment and interview (about 2-3 hours) for our homeschooling application. There is no revision needed for the curriculum thus far. Pray for us to clear the last lap and get the approval as soon as possible.

We have gotten the shelves ready, as well as some books for J to begin his learning journey. This evening, he read 5 new books aloud (both fiction & non-fiction). Our hope is that he continues to cultivate the desire to read and learn. The day you stop reading is the day you stop learning.

On hearing that I would be embarking on homeschooling for my son, a non-believing friend (whom I seldom keep in touch with) called. He said, “Among all my friends, I realise that you are the one who really surprises me and the one who takes the most interesting road that is so different from majority.”

He asked, “So I’m curious... are you doing all okay financially to step into this?”

I replied, “I’m not there yet. But we have decided that finances cannot be the determining factor for our child’s learning journey.”

He said, “I know you. 你是打不死的.”

I grabbed this opportunity to share various stuff as well as some testimonies on why I chose homeschooling. Then I shared about my personal healing and Jesus, which intrigued him to talk about the subject of faith because he recently visited Vatican City.

I know God is drawing him as he enters the process of searching for relief and faith. I’ve sent him my book as his immediate boss is going through some health challenges.

I realise that the decision(s) we make not just have an impact on us. It also has an impact on others who are looking from afar. People want to know why you do what you do, especially when it differs from the majority. This is when we can give an answer to the Hope that we have and the reason why we alter our lives from taking the common path to walk in a path that requires faith, courage and boldness.

As believers, we need to walk out what we believe instead of simply saying. If we say that we believe in Him for our child’s education, but we are as kiasu as the world’s approach, then we have allowed the culture of the world to penetrate and change the culture of the kingdom within us. We either demonstrate heaven on earth or we don’t. There is no middle ground.

And may we not relegate heaven on earth to just miracles, signs and wonders. Heaven on earth is in every aspect of our practical living, which includes a child’s education. #homeschooling101

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