Tuesday 7 January 2020

Homeschooling Journey: First Day Of School

Homeschooling Journey: First Day Of School

The first day of school for J is uncommon. He woke up at 9.15am joyfully, anticipating a day filled with fun activities.

Here we were at the 'Not Back To School' picnic (photo snippets) with other homeschooling families and kids. I secretly think that the organiser purposely named the picnic event with a streak of rebelliousness LOL. 

The event was set to start at 10.30am. However, families started streaming in gradually as the children experienced an “unrushed” school schedule with lots of smiles, laughters and satisfaction on their faces. This is the PLACE of learning because learning must be enjoyable and fun for children!

What I love about homeschooling is this... parents are directly involved in educating their own children in values and academic learning, spending quantity and quality time during their formative years. Make no mistake. Children do not know quality time ---- it's a term that we adults come out with. They want quantity. It is in the quantity that you find the quality. We adults like to say that quality time is enough, because we need to find a reason to do other things that matter to us and our desires. And I'm here to break the news that children really need both quantity and quality time from parents.

One common phrase we love to say is “No Choice”. I used that occasionally too. But it’s not the best phrase. For God has given us the power of choice. It's one of the, if not, the most powerful gift from Him. Every single person has the power of choice. Even if you decide not to make a decision, that in itself is already a choice made.

My wife and I chose this kind of schooling. I have shared a number of times that it actually involves sacrifices. We have to lay down our rights, our desires and our finances. There are many things that we have to put aside and surrender in order to travel this path where the majority avoids. 'Parenting sanity' is also what we have decided to lay down.

Parenting is spelt surrendering —— crucifying self-centredness. It is a journey for all parents.

While many Singaporean parents move their homes closer to the schools, we move the school closer to home.

That is the power of choice. #homeschooling

P.S: If you are considering to homeschool your kids, feel free to connect and join activities for further exploration. I personally think that it’s going to get tougher to apply for homeschooling in near future.

P.P.S: This is not a post to create any guilt trap for parents in the mainstream education. It’s to provide an emerging and alternative voice to schooling, education and parenting.

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