Wednesday 8 January 2020

Homeschooling Journey: Hearing His Voice With Foundation of The Word

Homeschooling Journey: Hearing His Voice With Foundation of The Word

Religion has made hearing the voice of God difficult. It appears to be something spectacular and sometimes, even flaky.

This should not be the case, since Jesus Himself said, “My sheep hears My voice.” Hearing the voice of God is the rights of every single believer. It is NOT reserved for the spiritually mature, since sheep are pretty dumb.

A baby is born into the world to hear his father’s voice. Similarly, a spiritual baby is born into the world to hear the heavenly Father’s voice. It is often the religious churches that have made it hard.

We have even become accustomed to learning and hearing God’s voice (the prophetic) for others, and find it easier to prophesy and release words for others THAN for ourselves! 

This should not be the case, since God is first and foremost, “MY Father.” My son is born into this world accustomed to hearing his father’s voice directly. He doesn’t find it easier to hear my voice through a medium (someone who “prophesies” my voice to him). By no means! It is easiest for him to hear me directly.

Similarly, as children of the most High, it should be natural and easier for us to hear our Father’s voice. It should be easier for us to hear Him prophesying and releasing words to us directly. This is the same as healing. He is “MY Father”. We should have easier access to healing and health directly from our Father, instead of finding it easier to minister healing to others. 

I think many have gotten it the other way round. And it’s time to restore the norm.

Part of J’s curriculum includes hearing God’s voice daily (through journaling) and writing/reading the Scriptures. There is no junior Word of God nor the Spirit. He cannot be a man of the Spirit without the Word as the foundation. This is where some charismatics go to the extreme and hear the so-called voice of god when it is not found in the Word.

The Word must be what J has to hear His voice. #homeschoolingjourney

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