Wednesday 11 March 2020

Child Author

Child Author⁣
J saw the book that I have authored and he suddenly said, “I want to write a book like Papa. Like an author.”⁣
Then he proceeded to spend some time writing on his own. I didn’t know what he was doing as I was busy with my work.⁣
When it was bedtime, after our usual prayer & bible verses, he said, “Papa, let me show you my book.”⁣
Man... I was blown away. He actually came out with his own story, ‘authored’ this mini-book and drew his own stuff. That completely shocked me.⁣
Maybe he’s also gifted in writing —— an untapped area that I didn’t know. Yay God! This is the power of homeschooling. Thanks to my wife. #homeschooljourney

P.S: He even left a memory quote like bible memory verse 😆😆😆

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