Friday 8 May 2020

Both Masters

Jesus did not say, “You cannot serve God and Satan.” He said, “You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt 6:24)⁣
The word ‘mammon’ is often used for money, wealth and riches. In the Greek, it refers to ‘the treasure a person trusts in.’⁣
Mammon is used in direct hostility against God. Both are Masters. You either subject yourself to one or the another.⁣
satan is in direct hostility against God. But he is not known as a master according to Jesus in Matt 6:24. Mammon is.⁣
What does it mean? satan doesn’t come like those in scary movies. That’s way too easy to recognise. Those are baby minions.⁣
He comes by using Mammon. The whole world relies on Mammon to function. Money is the currency and the system of the world where men put their trust in, even for many believers.⁣
With the control of Mammon, marriages break down. Politics happen. Poverty takes place. Pharmaceutical industry gets corrupted. Deception occurs. Even disease can be created.⁣
The enemy can simply use Mammon to control the whole world, since the world trades and depends on money.⁣
It’s the strongest master on this side of the planet. Jesus is right when He said that we cannot serve Mammon. For by doing so, we are worshiping the devil and cooperating with him to advance one world order, where nations bow before him.

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