Tuesday 12 May 2020

Fathering The Mind With Scriptures & Imagination Part 2

Fathering The Mind With Scriptures & Imagination Part 2

Ministry & prayer may set you free, but only truths will keep you free (John 8:32)

Since my son experienced lingering thoughts that created a lot of fears, I got him to speak out the verses that he already knew and memorised. I said, "Do not stop and keep going."

He said, “But it’s still there.”

So I got him to use his imagination according to the Word. This is to train his mind to be renewed. For each verse that he spoke out, I told him to imagine the scene of that verse. Imagine according to the Word.

He began closing his eyes and imagined. Then I added, “Jesus is now coming to you, riding on a white horse.”

Do you see it? He said “Yes.”

Papa: Now see Jesus slaying satan with a sword, crushing him and throwing him into fire to be burnt.

J: Yes I see Jesus doing that! (eggcited)

Papa: Now Jesus is coming towards you. He’s so close to you. What is He doing?

J: He’s smiling to me.

Papa: He is whispering into your ear. What is He saying?

J: He says “I am always with you. Remember that.”

Papa: Yes!!

Finally, he went back to bed and slept.

You deal with the enemy by building on truths, not by searching out what’s wrong and what’s in the past. You want to be so renewed in the truths that the lies have no place in your mind.

#fathering101 #buildingtruths

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