Saturday 25 July 2020

Amazing Strength

Amazing Strength

My wife and I had difficulty opening a cabinet drawer where our important documents are locked in.

No matter how much strength and methods we used to try to open it, we couldn’t. So we left it as it is for a period of time.

When I was in my room earlier, J went to tell my wife, “Mama, let me try to open. I can open it.”

Mama: If Papa and I can’t open, how can you open it?

J: I can open it. Just ask Jesus lor.

My wife left him alone in the room to figure it out.

Suddenly, he exclaimed, “Mama, I did it! It’s open!”

Mama: How did you do it?!!!

J: I asked Jesus.

Well, we were blown away. There was no way we could open it, but The Way has shown the little one the way to open it.

Do not despise the youth (the little children). For the kingdom belongs to such as these. Jesus!

P.S: We are glad that Jesus does not equate to Sundays and church services for him. Jesus is the Way of life.

P.P.S: Apparently, before he went to open the cabinet drawer, he did his journal earlier in the morning and Jesus told him, “Kids can be smarter than adults.” 😱😱

P.P.P.S: He said that Jesus told him to put some weight (downwards) on the edge of the drawer and pull it out simultaneously. It turned out to be effortless for him, while the father and the mother exerted with all their might but failed to pull it out. We almost wanted to get a locksmith.

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