Tuesday 8 September 2020

Because Of Unbelief

Because Of Unbelief

Recently, I have been training J to think, "If you believe, it will be done."

A number of incidents took place and I kept saying to him, "If you believe, it will be done."

It came to a point where he kept saying it regardless of the situation. It reached a place where he had more faith to believe in a situation than me.

And I learnt something from him.

Faith has nothing to do with an amount. Faith is not the issue. It is not the problem when the mountain doesn't move. Since the Bible doesn't talk about the amount of faith, it's not about how much faith you grow into.

Jesus only said, "Oh you of little faith" to the Jews. But He said, "Great faith" to the Gentiles. The former is about lacking trust in Him by people who were supposed to be in a relationship with Him. The latter is about having trust in Him by people who were alienated from Him. Read also Matt 8:26 (to Jewish readers) VS Mark 4:40 (to Gentile readers), which differentiates what Jesus said to people who were in covenant with Him VS not in covenant with Him.

Both cases do not apply to us, since we are a new creation and the epistles do not talk about little or great faith.

The moment when we are in Christ, we have been dealt with a measure of faith (Rom 12:3). The word 'measure' can also mean 'standard'. Since God is impartial, He gives each one a standard of faith. For the Bible doesn't say that He gives each one DIFFERENT amount of faith.

Since faith as small as the mustard seed can move mountains, and that we have been given a standard of faith, every believer has enough faith to move mountains.

My son didn't have to GROW in faith. He already has. He surpassed me quickly when it comes to the principle "If you believe, it is done."

WHY? Because as a child, he has LESS unbelief than me. Unbelief is learnt. It is not what you are born with. Life, in general, has taught us unbelief.

This is why Jesus told His disciples, "Because of your unbelief" (Matt 17:20). See also Matt 21:21 and James 1:6-7. We don't have to work on GROWING our faith. We already have.

We need to work on REMOVING unbelief. That’s what mind renewal is for (Romans 12:2). Unbelief comes from wrong belief (life experiences and wrong teachings). The more we get unbelief out of the way, the more God can have His Way through us. #revelation #unbelief #Jtaughtmetruths

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