Tuesday 8 September 2020

Mind Renewal Through Scriptures

J has been tasked to memorise a useful verse everyday after he has copied the bible verses sequentially.

He will have to recite daily every verse which he has memorised for the past 7 days. This empowers him to utilise the front part of his brain regularly in order to optimise his memory power.

At the same time, it brings about mind renewal, where the process of repetition and deliberation is required.

I’m really glad that he has the time and capacity to do so, because he is not weighed down by school work. That’s the power of homeschooling.

If the Kingdom is our priority, then our actions (including parenting) have to show that. Otherwise, it is just mere talking. As a father, my spiritual ceiling must be my son’s floor. It is the father’s responsibility to disciple his own son, not the church, nor the society. Don’t even throw it to the mother, because a mother’s role is different and she cannot fulfill the father’s role.

Fathers, we need to arise and stop looking for recognition elsewhere (not from the church ministry; not from the pulpit; not from the spiritual achievements; definitely not from the corporate world).

Someone said, “You can be a hero to the whole world, but if you are a zero to your son, you are still a zero.”

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