Tuesday 15 September 2020

Obedience VS Why’s

Recently, J has been disciplined a number of times for delayed obedience.

Disclaimer: Discipline does not equate to spanking. We separate the two so that J knows the Koh’s dictionary.

As he’s a curious boy, he loves to ask the “why’s”. There is a place for asking, but there is also a place for obedience.

Not everything requires understanding (why) BEFORE obedience. For the latter is about trusting in the one who loves him more.

In the past, parenting focused on obedience. In the modern parenting, everything is focused on answering the “why’s”. Both taken to the extreme are equally unhelpful.

If a child doesn’t learn to obey his parents despite not knowing the “why’s”, he will refuse to obey God when he doesn’t understand. The kingdom often requires obedience before understanding.

Trust His love -> Obey -> Receive Understanding.

In the Koh’s family, we like to get J to obey first, before we give him understanding.

P.S: Taken from Jesus Storybook Bible. I like this children’s book because every story points to Jesus, instead of the traditional bible heroes.

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