Tuesday 29 September 2020

Financial Seed

Financial Seed

Over the past 5 years, I have been learning and growing in knowing the Father as my Provider. Each phase brought me deeper revelation of who He is. When I left the job with a monthly paycheck, finances have never been stable. I had to learn how to trust Him deeper.

In 2015, I stepped into something new at a considerably late stage (for the real estate industry because it was way easier to work in that industry before 2013). There was no clientele base. There was no referral. There was no networking (I left the network to go after parenting). Many people stay in a comfortable place to continue networking, not because God called them to, but because they know where money is. I have decided that God is my network when I left.

5 years of knowing Him as my Provider equipped me to step into the homeschooling journey, even when I wasn't ready for it financially. For we have decided that finances should not hinder the work of God. If it does, perhaps your god is your belly and it's the revelation of your love for money.

I'm still learning and growing to know Him as my Provider. In the area of healing, I have gone pretty deep. In the area of finances, I want to go as deep in knowing Him. Last night, I was meditating about 2 Cor 9:10.

I was driving to my client's place earlier. As I was driving, God dropped a thought into my mind about another ex-client, whom I had not kept in touch for a long time. So I texted her and told her to stay safe in God's protection during this time of uncertainty.

Then I reached my existing client's place and decided in my heart to sow into the client. And I wasn't even thinking about 2 Cor 9:10. It was just a desire to do so that came from my heart.

Within 1-2 minutes, my ex-client (whom I texted to ask her how she is) sent a text to inform me that she had transferred a sum of money to my PayNow just to bless me for my good services in the past. At first, I declined. But she insisted. 

Then it dawned on me that the Father was showing me His providence and the way of the kingdom. It's not a big sum, but I wanted to cry, because it's a face-to-face encounter.

There are so many testimonies I could talk about regarding His providence. They are not directly related to my work ------ i.e. You labour for the work and the work provides. No... it's often indirect so that I know and I know and I know that it is God.

If you work for something, and that something yields finances, you can say, "God provides!" which is still true (for He gives you the ability to produce wealth), but you don't see His miraculous providence. When it is 'indirect' from your direct labour, you see the beautiful hand and heart of God providing as your loving Father.

Disclaimer: I'm not advocating laziness. If you don't work, you get nothing. It's in Proverbs.

What you sow is what you reap. This is the basic principle of the kingdom. And the motivation must come from knowing Him as our Father who provides.

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