Tuesday 29 September 2020

God wants to prosper you

God wants to prosper you.

He prospers you so that you can advance His kingdom, not for you to hoard and become wealthy in possessions.

Deut 8:18 doesn’t stop at God giving you the power/ability to get wealth. It ends in establishing His covenant which He gave to the fathers (Gen 12:1-3; in context with the Gospel of the Kingdom, Gal 3:8). The reason why God prospers you is that you can let the blessings flow to others to push the kingdom forward.

Since prosperity is very subjective for an individual —— depending on your background, culture, needs, wants, and country, etc., it cannot be about the amount of money you have or the things you own.

Prosperity is not about how much you have. It’s not about your possessions and your financial investment. It’s about how much God possesses you so that you trust Him for what you and others need. “The just shall LIVE by faith.” If you don’t live by faith, you don’t live by faith. 

Prosperity is about how much you can do whatever God wants you to do without worrying about the figures and numbers.

If you are a millionaire but you can’t do whatever God wants you to do (because you are calculating/weighing on the finances), you have a poverty mindset.

If you only have a few hundred or a few thousand dollars but you can do everything God wants you to do (because you trust Him to provide whatever is needed to accomplish the kingdom tasks), you are living in true prosperity.

The idea of prosperity has been pretty skewed by the modern churches when the kingdom part is omitted in Deut 8:18, and it becomes about self and accumulation of wealth. This is not Bible.

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