Wednesday 18 November 2020

Answered Prayer: Growing Up

J has been sleeping on our bed since the day he was born. He was nursed until 5 years old. The intimate bonding he has with his mum is unbreakable.

God supernaturally weaned him in one day. Yes! It only took one day to wean a boy who had latched for 5 years. There was no withdrawal symptom on the following day.

I was intending to get him to sleep on his own (in his own room, instead of our bed) when he reaches 8.

However, he woke up few days ago and said to me suddenly, “Papa, I want to sleep in my own room now.”

Not only that, he began to take out his books to read on his own initiative every day.

The God who hears our prayer is the same God who lives in him, nudging and bringing about sudden changes that are beautiful and beyond comprehension.

P.S: When he wakes up, he will put the sign outside his door. 🤣🤣🤣

Monday 9 November 2020

Guinness Book of World Record

I might get into Guinness world record for the number of times I’ve kissed him... probably an average of 40 times a day 😂


Tested my son after we set up the Christmas tree together.

“J, I give you two options. Choose one that you prefer.”

Option 1: Papa gets very busy at work, earns a lot of money and buys you plenty of toys that you like.

Option 2: Papa is not busy at work, so I can spend time with you, but you cannot have many toys.

He replied, “I want option 2. I don’t need many toys. I prefer Papa to be spending time and playing with me.”

As fathers, our presence is more important than our presents. Stop saying that you are working hard for the family; it’s actually for yourself and your own recognition.

Your greatest gift to your child is not what you can give him, but who you are to him.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Restoring The Lost

Restoring The Lost

J lost one of his ninja turtle’s mini nunchaku yesterday. He tried to find it but to no avail. During bedtime, he came to me and said, “Papa, can you pray and ask Jesus where the nunchaku is?”

I replied, “Why not you pray and ask Jesus where it is?”

He prayed and tried to hear God, but still didn’t manage to find it. After he slept, I went back to couch to search for it, but I couldn’t find either. 

I noticed that he had put all the ninja turtles on the arm of the couch. I searched and flipped all of them, but there was only one mini nunchaku on Michelangelo.

When J woke up this morning, he asked, “Papa, can you ask Jesus where the nunchaku is?”

I simply went out to the couch again and to my amazement, the second nunchaku was lying beside Michelangelo. I had checked with wifey and J. Both of them didn’t search for it.

In other words, Jesus Himself restored the lost nunchaku and put it beside Michelangelo. Such testimonies are not uncommon. But it’s a beautiful representation of the heart of the Father for my son.

Monday 2 November 2020

Recognizing Answered Prayer

The tender-hearted boy was very thankful and said to me, “Papa, do you know that God answered my prayer that I prayed long time ago?”

Papa: What did you pray?

J: I prayed that God would give a good Christian friend. When I played with C downstairs, and he suddenly told me that he’s also a Christian, I know God answered my prayer.

These are little milestones that cultivate a heart of gratitude towards Him who shows Himself real and tangible to J.

Reflecting on how his heart is tender towards God really warms my heart.

Earlier, he heard an old Hillsong’s song of praise in the car for the first time and he exclaimed, “Do you know I like this song?!”

We asked, “Why do you like it?”

He answered, “Because this song is what I feel when I play with C.”

In His presence, there is fullness of joy. When he recognises that the gifts of God come from the Giver, there is joy abundance.