Monday 2 November 2020

Recognizing Answered Prayer

The tender-hearted boy was very thankful and said to me, “Papa, do you know that God answered my prayer that I prayed long time ago?”

Papa: What did you pray?

J: I prayed that God would give a good Christian friend. When I played with C downstairs, and he suddenly told me that he’s also a Christian, I know God answered my prayer.

These are little milestones that cultivate a heart of gratitude towards Him who shows Himself real and tangible to J.

Reflecting on how his heart is tender towards God really warms my heart.

Earlier, he heard an old Hillsong’s song of praise in the car for the first time and he exclaimed, “Do you know I like this song?!”

We asked, “Why do you like it?”

He answered, “Because this song is what I feel when I play with C.”

In His presence, there is fullness of joy. When he recognises that the gifts of God come from the Giver, there is joy abundance.

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