Thursday 24 February 2022

The Presence Of The Father

The Presence Of The Father

One day, I posted my son this question...

Papa: J, would you like me to earn a lot of $$$, buy you many toys (whatever you like), but I would be very busy and I would not be able to spend much time with you?

J: No. I would prefer you to have time with me and play with me.

If your child chooses toys & stuff over you, it actually means that your presence is no longer enjoyable to him and perhaps your relationship with him needs much work.

Often, we think that the best gift we can give to our child is a good and luxurious life. But what a child really needs is the PRESENCE of the father.

As believers, instead of seeking God's gifts, His presence is the greatest gift to us. It is in His presence that we have the fullness of joy and pleasures evermore (Ps 16:11).

Similarly, as fathers in Christ, the best gift we can offer to our child is our PRESENCE. It is in our presence that our child develops identity, value, love, joy and contentment.

A child will not understand pockets of quality time. He desires quantity. It is in the quantity that you find quality. This will engrave in his memory as he grows up ----- whether he has an absent father or a present father.

As I look at my son, I see that he's growing up so quickly. 8 years have passed in a fleeting moment. I have never regretted making the decision to have more time with him. For this is God's entrusted ministry to me as a father.

Don't live in regrets for not giving your child your very presence. For you do not know what's tomorrow.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Living with Conviction

How do you know if it’s a conviction?

While compliance keeps changing, your conviction does not change in the face of adversities. It stays the same despite changing circumstances.

You can make friends with anyone, but only those with similar conviction should enter your inner circle. Because those who will let go of their conviction to comply in changing circumstances will one day walk out of your life.

Conviction has no place for excuses.

Build wisely and live your life with conviction.

Monday 14 February 2022

Kingdom Above Awards

Was there in the Spirit to receive the gift 🤣🤣 thankful for my manager to collect on my behalf.

Honestly, this is just a marketing gimmicks and I’m not afraid to say it and do it differently from majority. Since when do I follow majority? Lol. I’m first a believer. The kingdom is above my secular work, so while I am in the world, I am not of the world. My approaches and methodology must be different from the world. The love and the power of God supersedes every method you can think of.

Each time when property agents post about their awards, it’s to market himself/herself for greater awareness/publicity as well as to do recruitment. After a while, I just click “hide future similar posts” so that I don’t see these posts on my newsfeed. Cos I have many agent friends since I’m in this line and as you know, the real estate industry teaches everyone to keep posting their awards and commission earned.

Does it work? Yes. It does. If your eyes are on the world, you will bother to look at all these. If your eyes are on the Kingdom, you will see beyond all these. You see in the Spirit.

Award is least important to me (and my wife knows that I heck care about it), because I don’t like to market about this. Besides, which job keeps posting about their income? Lol. 

I’m honestly not a top producer. This is just a marketing publicity because each division is doing it. It has never been my pursuit or goal. I trust God to provide for me and my household. And I’m always ready to give this work up if God leads otherwise.

If most of my time is not spent living or preaching the Good News, then I am not a disciple of Christ.

Thursday 3 February 2022

Praying 福

“J, why don’t you show your cousins and tell them about Jesus?”

And he did. And prayed for coins to form a 福 on the wall.