Thursday 24 February 2022

The Presence Of The Father

The Presence Of The Father

One day, I posted my son this question...

Papa: J, would you like me to earn a lot of $$$, buy you many toys (whatever you like), but I would be very busy and I would not be able to spend much time with you?

J: No. I would prefer you to have time with me and play with me.

If your child chooses toys & stuff over you, it actually means that your presence is no longer enjoyable to him and perhaps your relationship with him needs much work.

Often, we think that the best gift we can give to our child is a good and luxurious life. But what a child really needs is the PRESENCE of the father.

As believers, instead of seeking God's gifts, His presence is the greatest gift to us. It is in His presence that we have the fullness of joy and pleasures evermore (Ps 16:11).

Similarly, as fathers in Christ, the best gift we can offer to our child is our PRESENCE. It is in our presence that our child develops identity, value, love, joy and contentment.

A child will not understand pockets of quality time. He desires quantity. It is in the quantity that you find quality. This will engrave in his memory as he grows up ----- whether he has an absent father or a present father.

As I look at my son, I see that he's growing up so quickly. 8 years have passed in a fleeting moment. I have never regretted making the decision to have more time with him. For this is God's entrusted ministry to me as a father.

Don't live in regrets for not giving your child your very presence. For you do not know what's tomorrow.

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