Friday 8 April 2022

Increase God’s Fear

This afternoon, I wanted to try the new gummy that J bought with his pocket money. So I requested for one. He took one out of the small packet and handed me. At the same time, he helped himself to one.

Immediately, the number 3 suddenly flashed across the back of my mind’s eyes. So I said to him, “You are eating the third one. When did you secretly eat others?”

He gave the guilty look and confessed. He added, “How come you know?”

I replied, “You forgot that God knows?” He replied, “Oh yah.”

Looks like the fear of the Lord must increase and be reminded in his life. 

Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, His fear isn’t meant for punishment, but for living a life of wisdom (which is on the same side of Love).

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