Wednesday 6 April 2022

The Confidence In The Father

The Confidence In The Father

My son knows that whenever I say "Yes" to something he asks, I will do it. If I say, "No", I don't do it. So whenever he requests something, he always hopes that I will say "Yes", since I have to keep my promise regardlessly. Whatever I promise, I have to fulfill it. My son is confident of this.

So if I say, "Yes", he knows that it's a promise. And he will eagerly wait for the fulfilment of that promise, even if that toy (for example) takes a while to arrive into his hands.

1 John 5:14-15 says, "And this is the Confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests we have asked of Him."

Some believers think that God decides if He wants to hear us when we pray. What if I told you that He has already decided and you can have the confidence to ask and receive?

Unlike human fathers who might say Yes or No, God always says "Yes" if what you ask is according to His will. All of God's promises are "Yes" in Christ (2 Cor 1:20). So if you ask according to His promises, you are asking according to His will, and the answer is always "Yes". You don't have to second guess it.

Mark 11:24 says that 'whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.'

If my son keeps asking me (that is praying) for something, it means that he has no confidence that I would fulfill my promise. That would break my heart as a father. It means that my nature is put into question.

Praying is not the key to receive the fulfilment of His answer. Confidence is. You don't get what you pray. You get what you believe.

When you come to God for something that He has already promised in Christ (through all His finished works), the answer is already predetermined ------- a resounding "YES!!!" 

You can have the confidence that the request is already granted. You just wait in expectancy to receive the fulfillment (manifestation) of the answer.

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