Saturday 9 July 2022

Seeking His Kingdom

Seeking His Kingdom

Last evening, my wife shared that she read the news about a guy who gifted a GCB to his wife at close to $200 million dollars for her birthday. She said that's crazy. Immediately, I joked with my wife, saying, "Can I go to China and work? So that I can become millionaire before I come back."

My wife replied, "You know you must be joking. That's absolutely impossible because it's not in your heart. Besides, God does not want you to focus on money. Because that's not God."

I affirmed what she said and replied, "Do not store up treasures on earth, but in heaven."

I'm so thankful to have such a wife of wisdom and grace. I cannot imagine if I have a wife who seeks money and riches. I cannot imagine if I have a wife who only wants comfort in this world. I cannot imagine if I have a wife who is materialistic and keeps desiring more and more of what the world can provide.

Recently, a friend and I spoke about Christian's pursuit of wealth. He asked, "Is it wrong to have more money so that we can bless more people?"

I answered, "It's a very thin line to go there. Many people started with good motive of wanting to have more money in order to bless others. But in the midst of pursuing that, they lose themselves. Because money is a powerful force. Jesus said, 'You cannot serve both God and mammon.'

Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." The equation starts with seeking His Kingdom, not seeking money first. 

When we get the equation upside down thinking that we can use money for the Kingdom, we WILL lose ourselves and move away from the Kingdom unknowingly. And I have seen a big handful of believers like this. Their lips do not match their actions.

The priority must remain the priority. Otherwise, no matter how good your intention is, it remains an intention without a life lived.

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