Wednesday 27 July 2022

Family Exploits

Excerpt from The Secret To Fathering
(Fathering Your Child & The Next Generation)

"We need more men to share on family exploits (parenting/fathering) instead of ministry exploits. The latter boosts men's 'achievement-oriented' ego, while the former is where the Kingdom flows.

The Kingdom begins with the family unit.

We have enough testimonies and examples of ministry work. The fact that men hardly talk about family exploits (parenting/fathering) proves that we tend not to focus on what we cannot achieve. We rather focus on public recognition and external affirmations instead of identity that comes from within (the family). This started from Adam and it is still part of the old man.

What we focus on will affect the culture around us. If we want to see a healthy family culture and the destruction of the enemy's agenda towards children and marriage, it begins from us ------ men in the family.

If you can't stop boasting but want to boast in some testimonies, it's time to talk about your family and fathering. If there is nothing to share, it is an encouragement for you to start spending time with your family and fathering your children, instead of giving your energy only in the public in order to get recognition and boost your ego.

Ministry work is no difference from secular work if the motivation is for achievement and recognition. It's a very thin line where nobody can see the difference by sight, but it can be perceived in the Spirit because God sees our heart.

Jesus was marred beyond human recognition on the Cross so that you and I can have His everlasting recognition.

Let's affect the culture around us by beginning with our own family culture."

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