Monday 8 August 2022

Financial Retirement

Sometimes we live in our culture for so long that we have confused the Kingdom culture with the worldly culture, and we put our own interpretation into the Word.

In the first world, our confusion is to mix worldly financial wisdom with kingdom financial stewardship. The Bible has never taught on financial retirement the way we are taught by the world. Jesus never mentioned it once. To draw a retirement principle from the book of Proverbs is to put in our own opinion that is rooted in the culture that we live in.

Remember: If your gospel cannot be applied in other countries, like rural areas or developing nations, then it is not the gospel.

As citizens of heaven, our financial "retirement" principle is this:

My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. - Phil 4:19

Read also Matthew 6:19-33 and Luke 12:13-34.

"Retirement is not a biblical concept. It is a cultural concept." - Tim Slothower, financial advisor.

P.S: The Levites in Numbers 8 did not retire. They simply had their responsibilities changed to serve elsewhere. It is not a principle for financial retirement anyway.

P.P.S: The book of Proverbs does teach about the wise storing up treasures (Prov 21:20). But since Proverbs is the book of Wisdom, 'treasures' mentioned in the book is often referring to spiritual wisdom (Prov 1:7; 2:1-7; 16:16; Col 2:3; 1 Cor 1:30). Yes, it might be interpreted as storing up money but you will have to deal with Jesus' words.

P.P.S: Jesus taught us not to store up treasures on earth but in heaven. It is not a contradiction since the Word is extremely consistent. He ended with 'where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.' In other words, while there is nothing wrong for you to save up for the future, your idea of financial retirement is not His idea. 'Financial retirement' is not meant for you to enjoy the rest of your life as what the world teaches us. It is meant to be used for others so that you are storing up treasures in heaven (1 Tim 6:17-19). 

In other words, when you store up finances, you are storing up treasures on earth. When you use them for others, you are storing up treasures in heaven.

The heart matters because it's a matter of the heart.

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