Tuesday 22 November 2022

What Kind Of Environment?

What Kind Of Environment?

Few days ago, my son and I were swimming in the adult pool before he went to the children's pool at the furthest end to play with a 5-year old boy.

When he came back, he shared with me that he just played with a 5-year old boy because the latter requested.

I often take the opportunity to practise hearing God's voice. So I said to him, "Don't tell me his name. I will ask Jesus."

He replied, "Okay! (Excitedly)"

I paused, and said, "I see the letter J... James."

He answered, "Correct!"

And we had a teachable moment right at the pool where God showed Himself real to my son over and over again.

Living and demonstrating His presence as a lifestyle in front of our child creates an environment where he realises that God is real and is not bound to the four walls of a church. God is not found in a religious activity, a Sunday school or a corporate setting. He is found wanting to engage with us in our daily living. He is more relevant than mere Sundays and mid-weeks.

Recently, we were asked if my son would like to join his friend for a church camp. We declined and said, "If it's a secular camp, we would be glad to send him there with your kid, because it is easy to separate what the world teaches and what the Kingdom teaches."

"But if it's a Christian camp, we would be very careful, because we do not know what it teaches, for religion that teaches half truths would make a child confused and it is hard to unlearn what he has absorbed as a young child."

It took many years for me to unlearn religion and re-learn the Kingdom, so we would not want to put J into that kind of environment.

Christian environment does not mean that it is always good. On the other hand, secular environment does not mean that it is always bad. I believe that the key is to know how to bring God in clarity into our child's environment.

P.S: Yeah we are a weird family. That's why we chose homeschooling and made decisions that are in the minority.


Monday 21 November 2022

Experiencing His Providence and Abundance

Heb 13:5 is in the context of finances. We often quote "I will never leave you nor forsake you", but we forget that He is referring (in this passage) to the needs of this world. While you are not of the world, you are in the world and would need what the Gentiles need.

However, if we pursue the wrong priority, we will definitely walk out of the Kingdom life.

His presence is the guarantee and the reminder of His promise in Heb 13:5. His presence is the assurance of His unfailing supply. 

The spirit of greed (wanting more money) disqualifies you from experiencing His presence.

But the spirit of contentment qualifies you to acknowledge His presence and receive His divine providence.

Bible knowledge does not equate to Kingdom living. It takes deliberate decision to act on the Word in order to experience His life more abundantly.

Thursday 17 November 2022

Is Earning Well Wrong?

Is Earning Well Wrong?

I was asked, "Wilson, is it wrong to desire to do well and earn more money to provide for our family?"

Sharing my five-cent worth...

The desire to provide for our family is godly, since God is Jehovah Jireh who provides. But the desire to earn more money (and do well) will become a powerful force of distraction for a believer to walk in the Kingdom.

In my industry, I haven't encountered a successful top Christian agent who walks in the Kingdom. At least among my limited network.

There is a reason why Jesus said that we cannot serve both God and Mammon. It is impossible to have both.

There is a reason why Matthew 6:33 exists and we are told to seek first His Kingdom.

There is a reason why the Word says that you cannot sow two kinds of seed in your field.

When our focus is on earning well, the Kingdom will take a back seat. While it is good to be thankful to God, testifying that God helps us to earn alot of money has little or no impact in the Kingdom. Why? Non-believers are also earning alot of money without God.

But what we can ask ourselves is this... 

"In the midst of earning well, how much impact have I done for the Kingdom?" 

"How much Kingdom-reality have I reflected in the midst of earning well?"

"How much I have given away to bless others in proportion to what I have earned?"

I am not a top-earner. I don't focus on earning alot of money. I wish I can, so that I can go around blessing people. But I know that if I focus on that, the Kingdom will take a back seat in my life.

The Kingdom is more important to me. And I am blessed to have a very supportive wife who doesn't seek after Mammon, because she knows my heart for the Kingdom. In fact, there are still alot of things I want to do, but I'm holding back in this season of my life.

In a nutshell, there is nothing wrong to desire to earn more, but we must weigh the impact we have for the Kingdom.

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Response To His Manifest Presence

Recently, in the daytime, I asked J, "People respond differently to God's manifest presence. Some feel heat/warm/fire; some feel electricity; some feel tingling, some feel wind/cool air, some laugh, etc.

What do you feel?

J: For me, I will yawn.

Papa: You will what??!

J: I will yawn when I feel His presence.

Papa: Are you joking? I have never heard before.

J: I'm serious. I yawn. I'm not joking.

I thought my son was joking. But I decided to test it out. When I released God's presence on him, he yawned a few times. Then, I asked him to speak in tongues and be connected to God's presence. While praying in tongues, 𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐘𝐀𝐖𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆!

I went to look up more about yawning. Apparently, to my surprise, excitement, anticipation, change of emotions, and even change of body temperature can cause yawning.

That's new to me. And I think my son is a pretty interesting boy.