Tuesday 14 March 2023

Homeschooling & Property Industry

Homeschooling & Property Industry

It has been 8 years since I left full-time church ministry to enter into the real estate industry for the purpose of fathering my son in his foundation years.

While I left the full-time church ministry, Kingdom ministry has not left me. For the past 8 years, I have been more zealous than before and have never stopped ministering online and offline. I have reached out to individuals way more than I did when I was working in the church.

I have not lost sight of the purpose of why I left full-time ministry. This is the reason why my wife and I chose to homeschool our child after his pre-school years. This is why my wife resigned from her job as a teacher (with stable income) to educate my son.

Being in the property industry has not been easy. I uphold Kingdom values and every ounce of it contradicts the Mammon values in the real estate business. As a result, I have a team but I often walk alone, because we are not supposed to be unequally yoked.

By choosing not to handle property deals the way we are taught to do so, I quickly become the minority. When everyone is pushing for new launch projects as encouraged by our agencies (who are stakeholders), I find myself unable to do so for the sake of a clear conscience.

I am not the top salesperson who clocks million dollars commission. Neither am I the kind who keeps putting out award-winning posts. Yet there is always grace from God who brings people into my life, for which I am grateful.

I want to thank all of them ---- my friends and clients who believe in me, trust me and graciously allow me to journey with them in their real estate decisions and progressions.

My family and I are thankful. For without you being part of God's grace in our lives, we would not be able to continue homeschooling and ministering in the Kingdom.

Thank You Jesus! And thank you all!

P.S: It is impossible to reflect the Kingdom if we are reflecting more and more like the world.

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