Saturday 11 March 2023

What Is Enough?

What Is Enough?

Financial sufficiency has different meanings for different people. It is very subjective. What is enough?

For some, having enough is to have food on the table.
For some, having enough is to have big cars and houses.

I have people telling me that they are trusting God to provide for them, yet they drive luxury cars (BMW and above is considered luxury in my humble opinion, but again, it's subjective for others), having $2mil over property, etc. 

And I have people trusting God to provide for them, and they are living from day to day for bread on the table.

I have people saying that they don't have money, yet they have more than one property and few hundred thousand dollars in savings. And I have people saying that they don't have money, and they are waiting for paycheck every month to live by.

Working in the present industry has shown me so much about people's views on finances. And those who really walk out the Kingdom values (or not). Money is not evil. But it always exposes the heart.

People often judge by the surface. It is shallow. They look at the property news. It's hot and booming. And they look at me, "Wilson, you must be doing very well." Well or not, I will never say that I'm not doing well. Neither will I say that I am doing well.

To say that I am not doing well is to speak contrary to the Word of God. I will never say it, because I am trained to speak the Word. It took me so many years to learn how to speak the Word.

To say that I am doing well is kind of like giving wrong impression and not being truthful. Even the word 'well' is very subjective for different people. What is 'well'? And what is enough?

My view of 'what is enough' definitely differs from many. Because unlike what many people think, I didn't enter the property industry to earn alot of money. Yes, maybe 99% enter for that reason, but there is always that 1%. I just need enough for my family. And honestly, my 'enough' is lower than majority of the people I know.

"Wilson, you enter property for money right?"

"Yes, did you enter your current job for free?"

We all need a job that has an income because we are IN the world. If you don't need money, then quit your job. Nobody works for free. You do your job, you get paid a salary. I do my job, I get paid a commission. It's the same.

Why are we so shallow in looking at the surface? Shallow conversations take place in a society where materialism and consumerism are widespread (like Singapore). 

I long for deeper conversations. Perhaps this is why I only have few in the inner circle.

What is enough? It's a question that perhaps we as Christians should seek God for deeper understanding.

But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained. - Phil 3:13b-16

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