Monday 10 April 2023

Breaking Fast for J

My son breaks fast today. This is his second year of fast. 

As a child, he's definitely delighted that he can touch sugar again.

My wifey said, "Maybe we should reward him because it's not easy for a child to do so."

I said, "But fasting does not get any reward from God." She replied, "That's very true."

Fasting does not earn you any merit. It doesn't help you get rewarded from God. For that would be asceticism, which is religion. There is nothing we can do to earn grace, which releases every spiritual blessing through faith in Christ and His finished works alone.

Many of today's church fast are religious in nature. But there can still be results, because of faith-expectation (during the religious fast), which works regardless of any fasting involved. Faith-expectation is what positions us to receive the grace that has already been released on the Cross.

My son heard our conversation. So I asked him, "How does it feel like in this fast?" He responded, "I learnt to control my desires." And I explained, "If you can control your stomach's desires, you can control any other desire."

He nodded, "Okay."

The only purpose of fasting is to keep the crucified man in the grave, because life always desires to resurrect him. It helps to direct the focus on Him, and thus, the New Man created in us.

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