Tuesday 25 April 2023

The Nature Of The Father Who Provides

The Nature Of The Father Who Provides

In these 8 years, I have encountered the nature of the Father who provides.

I don't draw a paycheck every month like a regular employee. When a sales deal is closed, it can take several months before I get paid. Some deals can even take up to more than a year.

Well, you don't get to close a sales deal every month. Consumers think that one sales deal is alot of money, but little did they know that you need to split the amount into 5 months (without cpf contribution), for example, if you close a HDB sales deal. Because it takes 5 months for you to get paid after the work is done. This hasn't included the duration you took from marketing the unit to the actual sales of the unit.

Stacked Homes has written a good article on the income of property agents. You may read here: https://stackedhomes.com/editorial/we-reveal-how-much-property-agents-in-singapore-are-really-making-heres-a-detailed-breakdown/#gs.vq8f9o

For this reason, it is not easy to plan for the needs of the family as I am the sole bread winner. There can be unforeseen circumstances.

But because we have a loving Father who provides, He provides the solution BEFORE a need arises, just as He did for Abram and Jonah. His nature is consistent and never changing.

He saw the need in your life in ADVANCE and went ahead to provide the solution BEFORE that need even arises in your life. This is how I encountered Him over and over again in my real estate work. He provides the deals FIRST, because He knows that it takes several months before the income comes in.

No employee likes their monthly salary to be cut for the work that they have put in. They want to be paid for their service to the company. If your boss comes to you and says, "Hey, can we reduce your income this month? You just bless the company, alright?" How would you feel?

Yet in our real estate work, consumers find ways to cut our income. This is because people do not usually put themselves in the shoes of others. They do not want to be shortchanged in their own salary by their bosses. But they do not mind shortchanging others in their income.

They don't go to the law firm and say, "Reduce your legal fees". They don't go to the bank and say, "Reduce your bank fees". They don't go to the doctor and say, "Reduce your consultation fees." They don't go to the insurance agent and say, "Reduce your insurance fees". But they like to reduce property agent's fees.

It is a cutthroat industry, which explains why many departed from the faith for the sake of surviving/thriving in this real estate industry.

Nonetheless, I want to say to my fellow believing property agents that God is Our Provider and He provides the Solution BEFORE a need arises in your life. So we can continue to trust Him without taking things into our own hands. He is faithful and loving.

P.S: And as Christian property agents, we should always co-broke 50-50 with other agents without shortchanging them. For we have a God who does not shortchange us. Yes, others can shortchange us, but we need to walk in a different Spirit if we are of the Kingdom. And I always practise co-broke at 50-50 regardless of the market condition.

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