Saturday 17 June 2023

My Life Is Too Good

Earlier in the morning, I told my son, "Your life is too good, because you are not doing this... you are not doing that..."

On second thought, I felt I was operating from Asian parenting mode. So I decided to operate from bible parenting mode.

I told him, "Your life is too good, because you (will) have this... and you (will) have that... My life is too good, because I (will) have this... and I (will) have that...

I continued, "My life is too good, because I lay hands on the sick and they are healed."

My son interrupted, "Me too."

I continued, "My life is too good, because I lay hands on those who are incurable and they are healed."

My son chipped in, "Me too."

I continued, "My life is too good, because I lay hands on the dead in Singapore and they are raised."

My son said, "Me too."

THEN MY SON SAID, "My life is too good, because I lay hands on Lee Kuan Yew and he's raised from the dead to discipline other ministers in Singapore."

Alright... this came from nowhere, and he must have heard our conversations.

P.S: This must be the only reason why you shouldn't home-school your kid, if you want a mainstream kid.

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