Sunday 18 June 2023

Sonship Manifested As Fathers

There is no perfect father on earth. Neither can you learn to be a better father through parenting courses and skills.

Fathering has to do with the heart. The heart of the matter lies with the matter of the heart. As believers, God has given you and me a brand new heart so that we can walk out a New and Living Way.

We are not the old trying to become better fathers. We are the new creation (New Man) learning to walk out our true identity in Him, through continual communion with the Father.

Because only fathered fathers father.

This means that our goal is not to become better fathers. We can't. It's not by trying. It's by transforming. Our goal is to focus on being sons of God.

The more we receive from Him as sons, the more we give of ourselves as fathers.

There are alot of people looking for good father figures because they did not experience good fathering. They are just one step from the good Father Who is constantly seeking them.

Alot of the depressive and suicidal cases can be prevented if we receive affirmation and love from the Father above.

When we know who we are in His presence, we will know who to be in our child's presence.

Fathering is a journey and how far we want to go depends on our zeal to know Him more.

The highest call on earth is to be a father. The highest call from heaven is to be a son. When heaven is on earth, sonship will be manifested as fathers.

Happy blessed Father's Day to all of you!

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