Friday 11 August 2023

Kingdom-minded for Singapore

The church-minded will see leadership the church way.

The Kingdom-minded will see leadership the Kingdom way.

Both will individually think that they represent the heart of God accurately in praying for our leadership and nation.

On the one hand, the prayer will be about sustenance reflecting patience. On the other hand, the prayer will be about dominion reflecting heaven.

Throughout history, we have seen secular people walking out Kingdom-mindedness so that the nations are transformed. Our founding father LKY was such an example.

Last night, I was moved to tears watching many video clips of his speeches and many of the comments that followed. Many Singaporeans missed him deeply. We missed him as a secular 'kingdom' leader which Singapore is blessed to have had.

Many of us do not realise that LKY started as the Leader of the Opposition in 1950s. It eventually led to the betterment of Singapore.

Christians must not have allegiance to any leadership on earth but the Leader in heaven. In other words, we focus on Kingdom on earth, which has nothing to do with ruling or opposition parties.

We should not be complacent to think that we should live in the past. So many Singaporeans are suffering and struggling now. Compassion is not simply praying within the four walls. There must be passion to take action and push for the Kingdom's reality on earth.

Unfortunately, many non-believers seem to understand Kingdom principles more than Christians. This is why I'm thankful to see Mr Leong (a Christian) fighting in the Parliament. He demonstrates the heart of the Kingdom.

Unless one sees the Kingdom, one remains an institution.

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