Saturday 19 August 2023

The Singaporean Life

The Singaporean Life

Parents: We work so hard... It's all for our family. It's for our children to have better lives. We want them to go to better schools, get better grades, get better jobs, and live the American dream.

Parents: We buy them good material stuff. We give them a domestic helper to take care of them. We bring them for great vacations regularly. We give them experiences that require money to buy.

Parents: We do spend time with our children. Just not quantity. We have quality time bringing them to school and fetching them back. We also spend time bringing them to all the enrichment classes on weekends yah.

Children: We cannot differentiate quality time from quantity time. What we know is that we spend more time with teachers, friends and domestic helpers than you. We want more of your presence than your presents. We want quantity time to feel your love and support.

The Singaporean Life of parents comes with a good desire and motivation, but that is not family life. 

We reproduce in our children what we do to them. If we keep going after the "rinse and repeat" lifestyle of a Singaporean, our children will do the same to the next generation and also back to you when you grow old.

It's time to break that cycle. Yeah SG cost of living is very high, but we don't have to follow what the majority are doing. There is a place for enough instead of running the rat race.

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