Tuesday 26 September 2023

Making A Stand

Making A Stand

The heart of homeschooling is to impart life and values to the children where the institution can't. We can't blame the institution because it is impossible to do so in a class of 40 students. It is not their job.

It's the parents' responsibility to grow and nurture their own children. Similarly, it's not the church institution's job to disciple our children. It is impossible to do so in the crowd. It's the parents' own responsibility.

For this reason, we chose homeschooling, so that we can be actively involved in parenting. This also means that we have to make a stand from time to time, both towards our child and other parents.

Recently, my wife had to make a stand regarding some matters as J was constantly exposed to some stuff by other kids in the homeschooling activities.

If we compromise, it would defeat the purpose of homeschooling. We might as well send J back into the institution.

She shared with me, "Sometimes, I guess we have to be ready to lose some friendships when we make a stand."

I replied, "That's totally fine. In life, we have to make a stand from time to time, and if those friendships are not meant to be, so be it."

Jesus never compromised for the sake of friendships. When He made His stand, many left Him. Only a few stood by Him. On the Cross, only John stood near. If not for Jesus making His stand, we would not have been sozo-ed.

Relationships are important, but not at the expense of conviction and truths. Don't build your life around relationships. Build your life around conviction and truths, and those valued relationships will find you.

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