Sunday 26 October 2014


Recently, Jeshua refused to sit on his stroller. He kept wanting to be carried. I feel that this is not helpful for him in the long run. He's not a baby anymore. He can walk.

Today, my wife and I gave him two options: he can choose either to walk or to sit on his stroller.

It is important for us to give a child choices as he grows older. In this manner, we can set a healthy boundary instead of saying "No" all the time. In addition, we are teaching him to make his own decision in life, while guiding him indirectly.

Jeshua was very persistent today. After walking for a distance, he would want Carol to carry. I told him, "Sit on the pram if you don't want to walk. You can choose either one." He continued to walk. This happened for many times. But he chose to walk instead. As a result, he was perspiring all over; he was also tired.

Of course, the choice of sitting on the pram will be perfect for him. He will be able to rest comfortably. Yet he chose an option which made it difficult for himself.

I was waiting for him to choose the better option, but he didn't.

I am reminded of God the Father. He has the best plan in store for us. Yet He gives us many choices in life, because He doesn't force. However, more often than not, we choose our own options rather than His. He is waiting patiently for us to choose His. If we don't, we choose problems for ourselves. He is not the cause. We are.

Sunday 19 October 2014

His Strength, Not Ours

We bought a new family luggage today.

As the luggage has four wheels at the bottom, you can spin it. Jeshua saw how I spun it and he tried to do the same thing. Of course, he didn't know how to do it.

Nevertheless, as he tried to spin, I helped him to spin properly. To him, he was the one who spun it. But the matter of the fact is that I was the one who really spun it.

I think this is similar to what God the Father is doing. He allows us to partner with Him in His kingdom work. While we are trying to do our part, He is the One who is really doing the work.

It's all about His strength, not ours. This keeps our perspective right and enables us to live humbly and dependent upon Him.

Relying On Him

Jeshua had constipation yesterday. It wasn't his first time but it was the worst so far.

Carol and I were wondering why he was whining so much yesterday. In fact, I disciplined him, thinking that he was throwing quite abit of tantrum.

When we went to Shona's farewell BBQ dinner, Jeshua wasn't in his usual mood. He was active but not as active and cheery as his usual self.

It was only after we arrived home that he kept trying to defecate. But it ended in few episodes of crying because the stool was too hard. It pained our hearts to see him crying so badly. It must be really painful.

Brought him to 24-hr family clinic. The doctor inserted a medicated liquid through his anus. When we arrived home, the hard stool came out. After we showered him, he finally defecated. A lot of soft stool came out. Thank God!

I learnt a lesson through this incident. I can't base on my past experiences to judge what Jeshua is going through. I thought he was throwing tantrum and needed to be disciplined based on my past experiences. Yet apparently, it was due to his stomach discomfort.

I need to rely on the Holy Spirit continually. Each experience may be different. I can't base on the past to judge the present. If I had asked the Holy Spirit about Jeshua's behaviour, I might have handled him differently.

Teach me, Holy Spirit.

Friday 3 October 2014

The Father Enjoys What You Enjoy

Two days ago, we bought Jeshua a new set of toy which consists of a few small cars. He was totally elated. Seeing that he was so delightful, my wife and I felt very joyful.

I realise that we enjoy seeing Jeshua enjoying what we give to him. If he likes it, we like it.

This is the same for our Father in heaven. When we like what He gives to us, He is happy. When we enjoy His gifts, He is overjoyed.

Jeshua shows us that he enjoys his toy by playing with it. Similarly, we enjoy God's gifts by using them. Each time we exercise the spiritual gifts like healing the sick, the Father is delighted.

Note: As we grow older, we tend to want new and 'better' gifts. We are no longer satisfied with small and old gifts. The giver has not changed. The gift has. If we focus on the gift, our joy will vary. But if we focus on the giver, our joy remains. Thus, being thankful for the gifts is what builds relationship with the Giver. When we stop being thankful for the gift, our eyes have set on the gift, instead of the giver.

One sure sign of thankfulness is by enjoying the gift God has given to us.

What Affects You Affects The Father

Recently, while my wife was carrying Jeshua to the bedroom, his head accidentally brushed against the door gently. He cried a little and I was very concerned. I told my wife, "Check it out and pray for his head." But my wife responded, "The head didn't really hit against the door. Just briefly brushed against it. Don't worry."

I realise that if what affects Jeshua affects me, what affects me affects the Father. That is nothing too small or insignificant that He is not concerned with.

Note: The sign of maturity is when what affects the Father affects us. That comes from knowing His heart and desire like Jesus did (John 5:19). I realise that Jesus didn't say and do what the Father said and did simply because of obedience. Jesus did that because His heart followed after the Father's. What concerned the Father concerned Jesus. This is far better than pure obedience. This is why Jesus did things with passion AND compassion.