Friday 3 October 2014

The Father Enjoys What You Enjoy

Two days ago, we bought Jeshua a new set of toy which consists of a few small cars. He was totally elated. Seeing that he was so delightful, my wife and I felt very joyful.

I realise that we enjoy seeing Jeshua enjoying what we give to him. If he likes it, we like it.

This is the same for our Father in heaven. When we like what He gives to us, He is happy. When we enjoy His gifts, He is overjoyed.

Jeshua shows us that he enjoys his toy by playing with it. Similarly, we enjoy God's gifts by using them. Each time we exercise the spiritual gifts like healing the sick, the Father is delighted.

Note: As we grow older, we tend to want new and 'better' gifts. We are no longer satisfied with small and old gifts. The giver has not changed. The gift has. If we focus on the gift, our joy will vary. But if we focus on the giver, our joy remains. Thus, being thankful for the gifts is what builds relationship with the Giver. When we stop being thankful for the gift, our eyes have set on the gift, instead of the giver.

One sure sign of thankfulness is by enjoying the gift God has given to us.

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