Sunday 19 October 2014

Relying On Him

Jeshua had constipation yesterday. It wasn't his first time but it was the worst so far.

Carol and I were wondering why he was whining so much yesterday. In fact, I disciplined him, thinking that he was throwing quite abit of tantrum.

When we went to Shona's farewell BBQ dinner, Jeshua wasn't in his usual mood. He was active but not as active and cheery as his usual self.

It was only after we arrived home that he kept trying to defecate. But it ended in few episodes of crying because the stool was too hard. It pained our hearts to see him crying so badly. It must be really painful.

Brought him to 24-hr family clinic. The doctor inserted a medicated liquid through his anus. When we arrived home, the hard stool came out. After we showered him, he finally defecated. A lot of soft stool came out. Thank God!

I learnt a lesson through this incident. I can't base on my past experiences to judge what Jeshua is going through. I thought he was throwing tantrum and needed to be disciplined based on my past experiences. Yet apparently, it was due to his stomach discomfort.

I need to rely on the Holy Spirit continually. Each experience may be different. I can't base on the past to judge the present. If I had asked the Holy Spirit about Jeshua's behaviour, I might have handled him differently.

Teach me, Holy Spirit.

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