Saturday 6 December 2014

Whose Will?

Son cried for 30 min today simply because he wanted to latch on wifey. It wasn't because he needed it (he wasn't hungry or sleepy). He wanted it out of habit.

As such, he threw tantrum when he couldn't get what he wanted. He's such a persistent boy. Man, he's going to be such an overcomer in life on earth. I believe he's gonna be a great and powerful communicator too.

Despite his loud and desperate cry (it was really bad!), we refused to give in. We were teaching him that if it's not our will (right and good one), he won't get it no matter how hard he tries or cries.

Similarly, if it's not God's will, no matter how much we try, God won't answer. We can pray long hours; fast for many days; cry desperately for God to do our will and He will still not give in, because He desires to give us what is best and according to His will.

There is no way we can bend God's hand to do our will.

On the other hand, if it's God's will, then we need not cry for it. It's not based on our efforts and works. If it's His will, a simple trust will bring down His will from heaven to earth. That's why we don't need to cry desperately for healing to take place. It's His will. We simply believe it.

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