Sunday 24 May 2015


After two months of labouring every night, I finally had time for family. We had a great family time today.

As we were at Plaza Sing, Jeshua saw balloons at the atrium where Challenger was having an exhibition. The balloons were part of their decorative items.

We went to ask the salesperson if we could take one. Jeshua chose the blue one. He was overjoyed.

Later, he felt asleep on my shoulder as I was carrying him. Little did I realise that he dropped his balloon as he went into a deep sleep.

When I came to the realisation, it was too late. We were already at Orchard and I didn't know where he lost it.

An hour later, he woke up from his nap. The first thing he asked for was the balloon. I promised him that when we are back at Dhoby Ghaut to take North-East line, I would go to Plaza Sing to get a balloon for him.

Took one orange balloon and hurried to find Jeshua and wifey, with excitement. I was imagining how delighted Jeshua would be when I show him the balloon.

From a distance away, he saw me with the orange balloon. He was unhappy. Feeling sulky, he kept saying, "I don't want orange. I don't want orange..."

At this point, I had to teach him about being grateful. I decided not go back to take a blue balloon, though that would solve the whole issue.

Sometimes, God answers our prayers but in a different way from what we are expecting. Instead of being thankful, we grumble that God is not answering us specifically, when He actually did. Just because the balloon is not blue doesn't mean that it is not a balloon.

I told him that he could choose, either to take it or leave it. In the end, he chose to take :)

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