Saturday 2 May 2015

Helping God?

My son tried to help me push the stroller even though I was doing it effortlessly.

Without his help, the process would be much faster. By allowing him to partner with me, the journey became slower. Nevertheless, our communication enhanced during that moment of partnership.

More often than not, God allows us to partner with Him for the work of the kingdom. He doesn't have to. But He chooses to. We are not helping Him to make the process faster. But the King of the Universe chose to give His complete attention on an individual, celebrating the partnership and effort of that individual so that the whole focus is placed on building a loving relationship with each other, rather than the work itself.

We can see this in the example of Uzzah and David in 2 Samuel 6. In trying to hasten the process of getting a task done, Uzzah died as a result. David learnt a tough lesson on this. Eventually, he cultivated a process of completing the task with the main focus on relationship with God through worship. He sacrificed an ox for every six steps he took. That was radical and slow. But I'm pretty sure that God was pleased with the act.

Partnership is always God's intention and desire, because the essence of partnership is relationship.

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