Monday 11 May 2015

Precious... Precious...

Jeshua was suddenly down with high fever yesterday. There was no other symptom. But he was totally fine this morning.

In the evening, his fever came back. About twenty minutes past midnight, he went into a seizure as his temperature reached 40.6 degrees Celsius. This was his second time having a fit. Last year, it happened and he was hospitalised for three days.

After praying and doing the necessary procedures, he was still unconscious for quite a while. Thus, we called a cab and rushed to KK hospital. He was unconscious for close to thirty minutes. Throughout the journey, we kept praying for him. I told my wife that we got to pray from the position of rest - Jesus already completed His work on the Cross. We just needed to rest from that place of victory and declared to Jeshua's body.

As we got out of the cab, he finally regained his consciousness. It was a moment of relief. Thank God for protection!

He is such a precious boy. He has unusual and extraordinary favour of God upon his life. He will be a mighty warrior of God. Nothing shall by any means harm him. God has marked out his life for His kingdom.

I'm glad that I have made the decision to follow what God is saying and focus on fathering him in his foundation years.

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