Tuesday 8 September 2015

A Father Always Provides

"You make me lie down in green pastures." - Psalm 23:2

Green pastures are where the sheep feed on. Because the supply is abundant, the sheep can simply lie down and enjoy.

We can rest in God's abundant providence for our lives. The Psalmist said, "The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want."

We don't work for His blessings and providence. We REST and TRUST in Him to provide. Adam did not work for God's providence. In Genesis 1 and 2, when God created man, He ALREADY provided for him. The only work that God commanded Adam to do is to tend the Garden and take dominion over the earth.

"Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it." - Gen 1:28

This is the order:
1) Blessed and provided for
2) Then go and work

Alot of times, we get the order wrong. Myself included. This is what the enemy wants us to believe in - go and work, then you can be blessed and provided for. When stress comes, we get the order upside down. But when rest comes, we get the right order. When we believe rightly, we will receive rightly.

"And God said, “See, I have given you..." - Gen 1:29

God had given Adam providence BEFORE Adam worked. The kingdom of God is received, not achieved. It's about trusting, not trying. It's about resting, not stressing.

We work not because we want to have providence. Providence comes from the Lord. We work because we want to represent Christ - taking dominion and influencing people.

"Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it." - Gen 2:15

To tend is to work. To keep is to steward. We are called to steward what God has already given and work with what we have, not work for what we do not have.

If we work FOR the providence, we are looking for the providence. But if we work with what is provided, we are looking at the Provider.

This is a season where I want to grow deeper in this area. Many people (even Christians) have spoken to me about finances. They meant well but it is not according to kingdom perspective. It is a thin line between human wisdom and the kingdom's ways.

Father, teach me to trust in You as my Provider. You have provided. I can rest in Your providence. My work is to focus on representing Christ and taking dominion. I don't work for Your providence. I work because You have provided everything in Christ.

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