Tuesday 29 September 2015

Giving Instructions

This morning, my son had been giving me instructions.

"Papa, sit here."

"Papa, stand."

"Papa, carry."

"Papa, put your mouth here."

"Papa, press."

"Papa, come."

I was wondering if I'm his father or he is my father. Haha.

Yet I responded to his request by doing what he asked.

My son was not looking to give me instructions. He was looking for a relationship with me. Furthermore, he knew that he could speak what he wanted to his father, having a child-like faith that I would do what he said.

More often than not, we approach God the Father in a reserved way, thinking that we should not give Him any 'instruction' because He is God.

Yet the Father desires that we come to Him boldly and speaks what we want. The deeper we understand Him through a personal relationship, the bolder we will ask from Him.

He is our FATHER.

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