Friday 29 January 2016

Each Breakthrough

For safety reason, I have always carried Jeshua when we board the bus. Today, I decided to let him board while holding his hand firmly.

When we sat, he was so exhilarated that he kept smiling and declaring, "I climb the bus on my own!"

Instead of correcting him and say, "No, Jeshua. Papa was the one who helped you", I said, "I'm so proud of you!"

This paints a picture of how the Father sees us. Each time when we experience a breakthrough in an area, we exclaim, "Come on, I did it! Awesome! I have taken the step of faith and seen result!" The Father looks at us and says, "I'm so proud of you!" But the reality is that God the Father is the One who helps and empowers us to experience the breakthrough. Faith is never from us. Faith is from God, who imparts to us by His grace as we receive and experience His love.

Each time we partner with Him to step out in faith, He rejoices over what we do.

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