Monday 11 July 2016

Freedom To Express Faith

Sonny just K.O. after a long play. We had this session where he painted his own fish keychain. While he was doing it, there were thoughts that came up in my mind. It is very natural and easy to comment the followings:

"should the fish be in this colour?"
"why isn't it grey-ish?"
"don't mix the colours..."
"hey, wait. You may want to do this first..."

The list goes on.

But I decided to simply sit beside him to observe before asking, "Do you like the present colours you use to paint the fish?" He replied, "Yes!" I said, "That's beautiful and creative."

It is often easy to give directions to what he should be doing. It is harder to keep the mouth shut. Giving constant directions, in itself, limits the creativity and the revelation he can explore through faith. Allowing him to try and explore according to his heart gives room for faith to be expressed, without being judged. Abba Father doesn't limit our possibilities. He encourages us to step into our pre-conceived impossibilities. A child's creativity is something to be celebrated. He has the rights to be him.

Free play empowers us to walk in faith and take risk boldly.

Take Him Seriously

J: Papa, there! Jesus!
Papa: Where?

Pointing to a distance away in the crowd, "There! Jesus is there!"

Now I have learnt that when he suddenly says weird stuff, I must take him seriously.

Papa: What is Jesus doing?
J: He is walking.

It's comforting to know that the manifest presence of Christ is among the people in the shopping mall.

Love Without Expectation

Last night, I did not respond patiently towards J during dinner. I kind of had an expectation on his eating habit. This is something that I have subconsciously acted according to my upbringing. My dad used to be very strict with me when it comes to eating habit and table manners. Having said that, he is a loving dad, though he doesn't know how to express it.

If we are not conscious, we will naturally father according to how we are being fathered. Yet our fathering model should always come from our Perfect Father.

Because of my response towards J last night, he was upset. Before he slept, he told Mama, "I am angry with Papa."

This morning, as I was spending time with my Perfect Papa in heaven, He spoke to me clearly - "When J was younger, you loved on him without any expectation. Now that he is older, you have begun to set an expectation on how he should be like, especially during meal times. Yes, you can talk with him about it. But you do not place an expectation on him. Your role is to simply love without expectation."

It is ironic that we always love our child without expectation when he is a baby. But we begin to have expectations (subconsciously) when he grows up. True love should expect nothing. Yet true love will eventually produce the very thing we hope to see.

Much to learn and much to grow to be like the Perfect Papa so that I can represent Him accurately to my son.

P.S: Today is Father and Son's Day. We shall go out and love on each other!

Thursday 7 July 2016

The Call of A Seer

While waiting for bus, J said, "See it is raining." He pointed to the sky. I looked up and saw little clouds (like a normal sunny weather) and bright sky. Man, he was speaking in a weird way again. I didn't have a second thought about what he said.

After sending him to school, I walked slowly to the nearest bus stop. There was no sign of rain or gloomy sky. All of a sudden, it started to pour like cats and dogs.

As I am writing now, I am totally drenched.

Serve me right for not taking what my son said seriously. 

Reflecting on various other incidents, I must take all the weird stuff he says seriously from now on. The call of God in his life as a seer is clear.

#prophetic #heseesmanythings #lordhelpme

Friday 1 July 2016

Sharing Testimonies

After sharing healing testimony with my son, this is what he would do if his friends were to be in pain.