Monday 11 July 2016

Freedom To Express Faith

Sonny just K.O. after a long play. We had this session where he painted his own fish keychain. While he was doing it, there were thoughts that came up in my mind. It is very natural and easy to comment the followings:

"should the fish be in this colour?"
"why isn't it grey-ish?"
"don't mix the colours..."
"hey, wait. You may want to do this first..."

The list goes on.

But I decided to simply sit beside him to observe before asking, "Do you like the present colours you use to paint the fish?" He replied, "Yes!" I said, "That's beautiful and creative."

It is often easy to give directions to what he should be doing. It is harder to keep the mouth shut. Giving constant directions, in itself, limits the creativity and the revelation he can explore through faith. Allowing him to try and explore according to his heart gives room for faith to be expressed, without being judged. Abba Father doesn't limit our possibilities. He encourages us to step into our pre-conceived impossibilities. A child's creativity is something to be celebrated. He has the rights to be him.

Free play empowers us to walk in faith and take risk boldly.

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