Thursday 7 July 2016

The Call of A Seer

While waiting for bus, J said, "See it is raining." He pointed to the sky. I looked up and saw little clouds (like a normal sunny weather) and bright sky. Man, he was speaking in a weird way again. I didn't have a second thought about what he said.

After sending him to school, I walked slowly to the nearest bus stop. There was no sign of rain or gloomy sky. All of a sudden, it started to pour like cats and dogs.

As I am writing now, I am totally drenched.

Serve me right for not taking what my son said seriously. 

Reflecting on various other incidents, I must take all the weird stuff he says seriously from now on. The call of God in his life as a seer is clear.

#prophetic #heseesmanythings #lordhelpme

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